Plui lenghis, plui culture, plui Europe – 12/10/2023

Mediateca Ugo Casiraghi, Gorizia
4:30 pm, round table

To be the European Capital of Culture constitutes a great opportunity to gain international visibility, inject new life into cultural activities and stimulate investments in the local economy. For communities where more than one language is spoken, it can, and should, also become a chance to showcase and enhance this linguistic plurality.
As part of the 2022 edition of the Suns Europe festival, the cooperative Informazione Friulana – the company that produces Radio Onde Furlane – organised the event «Plui lenghis, plui culture, plui Europe / Več jezikov, več kulture, več Evrope / Più lingue, più cultura, più Europa» (More languages, more culture, more Europe). Its objective was to share, with the contribution of international experts, practical examples of European Capitals of Culture that have been able to make the most of their linguistic and cultural diversity, turning them into a tool for communal growth.
With that experience in mind, this year Suns Europe once again organises the «Plui lenghis, plui culture, plui Europe / Več jezikov, več kulture, več Evrope / Più lingue, più cultura, più Europa» event. It will facilitate the sharing of experiences that promote activities – cultural, social, economic – revolving around the linguistic plurality of our land.
It will also be an opportunity to assess the present situation, suggest new ideas and projects, strengthen collaborations that are already in place and develop new ones, for Go!2025 and beyond.