Suns Europe Call 2021


SUNS EUROPE is a performing arts festival focusing on European minority languages in Udin / Udine and other locations of Friûl / Friuli between 17th July and 22nd August 2021.

The festival aims to showcase the best artistic productions in minority languages of the continent, ranging from music to cinema, theatre and literature, with an eye out for contemporary artistic productions.

Suns Europe is organized by Cooperativa Informazione Friulana / Radio Onde Furlane, with the financial support of Regione Autonoma Friuli – Venezia Giulia (Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia), ARLeF – Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane (Regional Agency for the Friulian Language) and Fondazione Friuli. It also avails itself of the collaboration of the Municipality of Udine and other local and international public and private bodies.



This call is for the music section only and is intended for bands and singers-songwriters whose music production is in one of the accepted minority languages.

All artists from minority language communities of Europe (geographical meaning) are eligible to participate, as stated by Article 1 of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.*


* ARTICLE 1 OF THE EUROPEAN CHARTER FOR REGIONAL OR MINORITY LANGUAGESa) “regional or minority languages” means languages that are traditionally used within a given territory of a State by nationals of that State who form a group numerically smaller than the rest of the State’s population; and different from the official language(s) of that State; it does not include either dialects of the official language(s) of the State or the languages of migrants;

  1. b) “territory in which the regional or minority language is used” means the geographical area in which the said language is the mode of expression of a number of people justifying the adoption of the various protective and promotional measures provided for in this Charter; “
  2. c) “non-territorial languages” means languages used by nationals of the State which differ from the language or languages used by the rest of the State’s population but which, although traditionally used within the territory of the State, cannot be identified with a particular area thereof.



Applicants must fill in the online form by 6th June 2021. The form is available on the web site. You will be asked to send us the following material:

  • CV of the band in PDF format;
  • a high-resolution picture of the band in jpeg format;
  • two songs in mp3 format;
  • original lyrics of the songs and English translation of both in Word format;
  • Data Use Agreement according to the terms and conditions indicated on the official web site of the festival.



SUNS EUROPE is a festival that showcases the best contemporary productions in minority languages. The music section is no less, and aims to give visibility to the most original and innovative music productions.



The participating artists will be selected by the Artistic Committee of SUNS EUROPE. The festival reserves the right to select other participants outside the present call.

The selection will be carried out within 15th June 2021. All applicants will be notified via email.



Finalists will be invited to perform their songs live together with other artists during the main event or as main gig for other collateral events of the festival. Artists will be asked to perform a selection of their musical production. The location and format of such performances will be defined according to the artists’ availability and in compliance with our logistic/organizational needs.

During the registration process, artists will have to confirm the availability of each member of the band to travel between 15th July and 24th August 2021. We also ask participants for the permission to use the submitted songs for promotional purposes, i.e.: promoting the festival and the participating artists as well as producing promotional material and free gifts.

The organization will cover all travel, accommodation and catering costs for selected artists.



Dates and/or locations of the event may change depending on the general epidemiological situation and the measures that will be undertaken against the ongoing health crisis.

Any modification in the dates and/or location of the festival will be promptly notified. Participants will also be informed of any other significant change that may occur during the organization of the festival.

As per current health regulations, selected guests may be asked to take a SARS-CoV2 PCR test in the 48 hours prior to departure.



For assistance, enquiries or further information, please contact us at: