Suns Europe: tickets now available for the main event

Tickets available from 21 st November for the main event!

Available from 21 st November for the main event of 2 nd December

UDINE – Here we go! There are only a few details left, but we are ready to kick start the new edition of Suns Europe, the European Festival of Minority Languages. Once again, the beautiful setting of the event will be “Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine”, from the 30 th November to the 2 nd December. The full details of the programme will be available in a few couple of days, but what is certain is that the main event (the final concert with an award ceremony for the artists) will be an unmissable highlight also in this third edition of the festival: set the date on Saturday 2 nd December at 9:00pm! Entry is free to all events of Suns Europe, until all available seats are taken.

Free tickets for Suns Europe main event
For the main event, free tickets are available from the 21 st of November at Radio Onde Furlane (via Volturno 29, 2:30-7:30 pm), La Girada (via Generale Antonio Baldissera 7, 9:00 am-2:30 pm and from 5.30 pm) and l’Angolo della Musica (via Aquileia 89, 9:00 am-1:00 pm and 3.00- 7:30pm). From the 24 th of November, tickets will be available at the ticket office of “Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine” (via Trento 4,, ph: +39 0432 248418), during opening hours. Limited number of 4 tickets per person.

The Festival
With its 2017 edition, Suns Europe confirms once again its role of leading European festival to promote and raise awareness of minority languages among people and received the patronage of the Council of Europe for the third consecutive year. Our goal? To promote unique and refined artistic productions, showing how linguistic diversity in Europe is a fundamental right, as well as an invaluable creative resource. Hundreds of artists will arrive in Udine to create a real and not-to- be-missed “Babel” of languages, sounds and contaminations and to involve all local citizens in this rich programme of events. Suns Europe is a project of Cooperativa Informazione Friulana (publisher of Radio Onde Furlane) and Cooperativa Puntozero, with the sponsorship of Arlef (Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane – Regional
Agency for Friulian language), Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia and Fondazione Friuli, in collaboration with the Municipality of Udine, Fondazione Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine and under the auspices of the Council of Europe.